• ICADV Webinar Archive 

    The Indiana Victim Assistance Basic Academy courses are available to current or past Academy students.  Prior students who do not have a login should contact Suzanne O'Malley somalley@icadvinc.org for access information. 

    The Indiana Victim Assistance Basic Academy is supported by grant 2018-V3-GX-W28, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Deprtment of Justice. The opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the courses and materials are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Course categories

photograph of 32 people either sitting or standing at the front of a classroom

We gratefully acknowledge the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, for allowing us to reproduce, in part or in whole, materials from the National Victim Assistance Academy Track 1: Foundation Level Training from the March 2011 National Victim Assistance Academy. The full text is available online by visiting the OVC TTAC Web site at www.ovcttac.gov/views/TrainingMaterials/NVAA/dspNVAACurriculum.cfm“ 

Houses past ICADV webinars accessible for later viewing.

Welcome to ICADV's Abuse Intervention Program Academy Virtual. Here you will find the virtual modules to be completed prior to the in-person academy day. These modules will be an option for participants to revisit the live training that took place during it's scheduled timeframe or for those who were unable to be present for the live module. 

For those who are taking the virtual module for the first time, there will be a post-session quiz that is required to receive a certificate of participation. The post-session quiz and the usage reports generated by our training platform will serve to ensure participants are fully completing the modules. The completion of all modules will be monitored by the team. Participants can expect to receive communication prior to the required completion date about progress and any discrepancies in the completion reports. 

If you have any questions, technology issues, or challenges with completing these modules, please reach out to Nicole Blackburn at nblackburn@icadvinc.org.